
Everything we touch and see consist out of different forms and shapes.  What if we change those shapes, or even remove them? ‘Vormenwereld’ is a form studies about creating estrangement between humans and their surroundings.

Certain shapes are highlighted in the prints, while other parts appear to be missing. The photographs are riso printed in two colors which together represent  the world around us and the color of the estrangement. While searching for this enstrangement Anne creates a narrative in which new stories are to be found.  


Riso printed photography series



Riso printed photography series

Everything we touch and see consist out of different forms and shapes.  What if we change those shapes, or even remove them? ‘Vormenwereld’ is a form studies about creating estrangement between humans and their surroundings. 

Certain shapes are highlighted in the prints, while other parts appear to be missing. The photographs are riso printed in two colors which together represent  the world around us and the color of the estrangement. While searching for this enstrangement Anne creates a narrative in which new stories are to be found.